Orally ingested Vernonia amygdalina (VA) aqueous leaf extract and orally ingested VA leaf powder have been shown in previous studies to produce a quieting or calming effect on the activities of the whole human body. Since a quietened state of the human body is only a few steps away from a sleeping state, the present study investigated the potentials of sleep production by aqueous VA leaf extract and ingested VA leaf powder. VA leaf infusion was prepared was prepared and taken for 2 weeks. A preparation of VA leaf extract was made in combination with ground ripe carica papaya pulp or ripe Carica papaya leaves [fallen yellow or brown leaves] and also taken for 2 weeks. The body being still (sitting, standing or lying) after the intake of the combined VA and Carica papaya extract caused the VA / Carica papaya extract combination to produce natural sleep which refreshed the brain and the whole body of the subject. Staying still after an intake of the pure (unmixed) VA extract did not produce sleep. The sleep produced by the aqueous VA leaf extract / Carica papaya extract combination was calm ‘smooth sailing’ natural sleep which was not dotted by alarming dreams. These results showed that VA leaf extract produces sleep that resembles natural sleep in the presence of ripe pawpaw fruit or leaf extract and generalized low energy working level of the body (basal muscular activity in the whole body).The findings of the study enable the author to conclude that oral aqueous VA leaf extract and VA leaf powder have natural sleep producing properties and that the presence of Vitamin A and very low energy muscular activity in the whole body are necessary for sleep mediation by a substance. The study also concludes that the peaceful sound sleep which aqueous VA leaf extract produced which was devoid of wild type (fearful) dreams was protective of the human brain as it provided extended rest for the brain. Thus oral aqueous VA leaf extract mediated sleep has brain protective properties